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Your Target Workout Heart Rate

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You have heard habitancy talk about measuring your resting and target heart rate zone when it comes to exercise. In this narrative I'll show you how to portion both and the reasons why it is important to know what your target heart rate zone is before you start exercising.

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Your resting heart beat should be measured when you first wake up in the morning. It is best to portion your heart beat before you get out of bed, so have a watch, stopwatch or a clock handy next to your bed. To find your pulse, you have two options, the radial artery which is placed under your wrist on the thumb side. The second selection is to use the carotid artery in your neck, placed under your jaw. You need to use the precise fingers to take your pulse as your thumb has a light pulse and could cause some obscuring when you take your pulse. You should use your index finger and your middle finger.

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You need to count how many beats occur within 60 seconds. You can either count for the full 60 seconds or count for 30 seconds and times the whole by two. Some habitancy only count for 15 seconds and then many the follow by four, but I don't think that it gives you an precise adequate beat count. Great, now you know your resting heart rate.

Your Target Workout Heart Rate

The target rate gives you a low and high end value for your working heart rate range. The American College of Sports medicine recommends that this zone should be in the middle of 55 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate when working out. So, lets have a look at how to work these figures out then. Have a look at the method below. Please note that although the method is quite accurate, for some habitancy it could deviate quite a bit.

Maximum heart rate = 220 minus your age.
For example, your age is 27. 220 - 27 = 193 will be your maximum rate.

Now in order to find your target heart rate zone, you need to multiply your maximum rate with the low and high zone percentages. Remember that the low and high zone percentages were 55 and 90 per cent.

193 x .55 = 106 will be your low end target rate.
193 x .90 = 173 will be your high end target rate.

To make sure that you are getting a good workout you will want to make sure that your heart beat stays above the low end target rate. At the same time, you do not want to increase your heart beat over the high end target rate. You don't want to run your heart over its maximum heart rate as this will put unnecessary strain on your heart and you will be pushing your body to its limit. Also, staying within the target range will help you burn the maximum whole of calories during your activity.

I hope that you have found this narrative entertaining and helps you reach your calorie reduction targets within your workout.

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